Posts in the ‘Sport Psychology’ Category

Psychological Techniques to Help Make Exercising More Enjoyable

As I have discussed in many of my blog posts before and a message that I am consistently giving my clients is that exercise has positive effects on not only your physical health but your mental health as well.  Often when discussing this with my clients I will get resistance to the idea of exercising

9 Easy Steps On How To Destroy Your Child’s Athletic Career

It can be very difficult to be the parent of a youth athlete and you may now always know that right things to say or do.  Although most of what parents say and do to their child athlete may have good intentions, it can have the opposite affect on your child. Below is an article

How Kids’ Sports Became a $15 Billion Industry | TIME MAGAZINE article

I remember when I was growing up I started playing one sport recreationally when I was 4 years-old. Once a week for two and a half months we would have a friendly game against another team and I remember it being really fun.  For me, sports became more competitive around middle school when I was

Exercise Researchers Find “More Is Better” Mindset Is Overrated

Exercise is not only good for your physical health, but it is also good for your mental health.  I will often encourage my clients to get regular exercise and educate them on the ways in which exercise can improve their mental health and sometimes I am met with resistance.  I have heard various reasons that

Super Bowl LI

What a Superbowl this was!  It appeared as though it was going to be a blow out by the Atlanta Falcons, but the Patriots managed to score 25 points in the second half and to go on a win the game in overtime.  It was the first time in Superbowl history that the game went

How To Perform Better Under Pressure

Did you happen to see last week’s Sunday night football game with the Seattle Seahawks and the Arizona Cardinals?  Well, if not, there is no need to watch the entire game because it was not very exciting but the part that I did find to be exciting to watch was the over time.  At the

2016 Olympics

Aren’t the Olympics amazing to watch?!?  Over this past month, we have witnessed the world’s greatest athletes compete in Rio in the 2016 Olympics.  Just to think about how much time, hard work, dedication, and sacrifice goes into training to compete in the Olympics and to have it all be over in a few short

How to Assess Your Strengths: 5 Tactics for Self-Growth

If I were to ask you, “What are your strengths?” would you be able to answer that question?  Many people would not be able to or it might take them a while to think of a few things.  It is important to know your strengths so you can build on them to help you perform

5 Things You Can Do To Mentally Prepare Yourself Before Your Performance

Set one or more goals for yourself for that practice, game, match, event, etc.  However, make sure that the goal/s is/are: Challenging but realistic.  The goal should not be so simple that you do not have a sense of accomplishment once the goal is achieved.  If you set a more challenging goal, it is more

The Story of Peter Kim – A Successful Athlete and Entrepreneur

On a recent vacation, I had the opportunity and pleasure to meet and talk with Peter Kim.  Kim is a well-known restaurant owner and entrepreneur in Honolulu, HI although his notoriety began many years ago.  Peter Kim is Korean-born and he came to the United Stated in 1974.  While in high school, Peter played for


Kimberly Wagner, Psy.D. PSY 25460
322 8th Street
Suite 105
Del Mar, CA 92014

Phone: (858) 997-3457

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March 2025
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