My Blog

Psychological Techniques to Help Make Exercising More Enjoyable

As I have discussed in many of my blog posts before and a message that I am consistently giving my clients is that exercise has positive effects on not only your physical health but your mental health as well.  Often when discussing this with my clients I will get resistance to the idea of exercising

5 Tips To Help Your Child Manage Their Back To School Mental Health Concerns

Going back to school can be an exciting time for some students and parents although it can also be a time that some students and parents do not look forward to because going back to school can be a trigger for an increase in mental health symptoms specifically anxiety and/or depression.  There are some things

6 Ways to Love Someone with Mental Illness

When someone you love suffers from mental illness, it is not only difficult for them, but it can also be difficult for the people who around them. You may not always understand what they are doing through and how they are feeling and your relationship with them may have changed. The good news is that

Are You Or Someone You Know Addicted To Their Phone???

There has been a lot of attention lately on people, specifically younger people, being “addicted” to their phones.  As a result of the media attention, Apple and Google have devised new apps to try and change addictive phone use.  The question is… will these new apps really work??? To learn more about these new apps,

Mental Health Awareness Month and Suicide Rates

For those of you who do not know, May is “Mental Health Awareness Month” and has been since 1949.   Mental health is a big concern in this country for a variety of reasons and some recent statistics specifically regarding the suicide rate in this country are alarming. According to the Centers for Disease Control and

4 Subtle Symptoms of Depression

Symptoms of depression can manifest themselves differently in different people and that may be why it is not always obvious that a person may be suffering from depression.  Depression can have both physical and psychological symptoms, so you need to be looking for both when assessing whether or a not you or a loved one

The Molecular Scars of Trauma

Many people would assume that if there been a previous generation in your family who has endured a serious trauma that the ramifications of the trauma end when their family member passes, but new research is suggesting otherwise.  This article suggests that the descendants of trauma survivors have a biological memory of the hardship their

9 Easy Steps On How To Destroy Your Child’s Athletic Career

It can be very difficult to be the parent of a youth athlete and you may now always know that right things to say or do.  Although most of what parents say and do to their child athlete may have good intentions, it can have the opposite affect on your child. Below is an article

New Year’s Resolutions for 2018

I have been hearing people talk about their New Year’s resolutions the past few weeks and what their goals are for this next year.  While I believe that it is important to think about ways in which you want to improve yourself in the upcoming year, I believe that there is also value in looking

7 Signs That Your Body Is Telling You That Your Mental Health Is In Jeopardy

Often times I will work with someone who is reporting physical symptoms to me that they believe are related to a physical cause, for example, headaches, inability to focus or concentrate, pain in various areas of their body, just to name a few.  What people do not realize is that there is a strong connection


Kimberly Wagner, Psy.D. PSY 25460
322 8th Street
Suite 105
Del Mar, CA 92014

Phone: (858) 997-3457

Check out my Instagram!


March 2025
Copyright © 2025 Kimberly Wagner, Psy.D. All rights reserved.