Sport Psychology

Sport and Performance Psychology is a Form of Applied Psychology Often Used to Enhance Performance

While consulting with a sport psychologist, athletes and individuals can explore several areas that are believed to have the most influence on performance.  Some of these areas include:

•   Self-confidence

•   Positive Self-Talk

•   Analysis of Strengths and Weaknesses

•   Stress/Anxiety Management

•   Concentration/Focus

•   Management of Emotions

•   Recovery from Injury or Failures

Sport psychologists utilize these and other psychological principals to optimize individual performance.  Sport psychology can also address other emotional barriers that are preventing an athlete from performing at their optimal level.  These services can occur through individual consultation, within small groups, or entire teams.

What is Sport Psychology and Performance Psychology?

•   The change in your thoughts, feelings, and actions related to your performance.

•   The effect, both positive and negative, that sports and exercise have on the mind.

Positive effects of athletes/individuals who work with Sport Psychologists:

•   More Focused, Better Concentration (not worried about the outcome)

•   Task feels Effortless

•   Increased Levels of Confidence

•   Positive Attitude/Do Not Fear Failure

•   Feeling like they are in Control

•   Feeling Physically and Mentally Relaxed

Top mental skills elite athletes possess:

•   Increased self-confidence

•   Effective Use of Imagery

•   Positive self-talk

•   Ability to Manage Emotions

•   Stress Management Skills

•   Coping Strategies for Distractions and Maintaining Focus

•   Resiliency from Failures

•   Pre-Competition Readiness

My Interview with Fox Morning News 5 on July 28, 2021

My Appearance on ABC News 10 on July 28, 2021

My Interview with Former Professional Pitcher Jamie Moyer


Kimberly Wagner, Psy.D. PSY 25460
322 8th Street
Suite 105
Del Mar, CA 92014

Phone: (858) 997-3457

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September 2024
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